My Daddy's Going Away
I wrote a poem for my children as I returned from Iraq in 2007 to help explain where I had been and why I had been away. I realised that there was a great deal of information for adults about deployment and separation, but very little written specifically for young children.
My Daddy's Going Away is now a beautifully illustrated picture book, written for ALL children whose daddies have to leave home for their work. Aimed at young children aged 3-7, I know of a 9 year old boy and a 10 year old girl who have slept with the book under their pillows while their Dad's been away.
HRH Prince Charles, The Prince of Wales, has kindly written the foreword and Random House have agreed to donate a proportion of the royalties to Combat Stress.
For good reason, My Daddy's Going Away has been bought by loving parents, grandparents and kind teachers for the children in their care, all over the world.
First edition copies are still available in both hardback and paperback. Due to the success of the paperback, Random House Penguin do not intend to reprint the hardback, so hurry if your want a luxurious gift of a book!